Right Meow Apps Apps

imago is an updated, pleasing way to browseand be involved with the community of imgur. Browse throughgalleries, search subreddits, and sync it all across your devices.icon design by Ted Bates Jr. (https://plus.google.com/u/0/101867183226115770343/about)DISCLAIMER: “imgur” is a trademark of Imgur LLC and is used herefor informational purposes only. imago is not affiliated with Imgurand has not been reviewed or approved by Imgur LLC
CSC-456 1.2.1
Checkout what chapters are due,assignments,and badges to complete for CSC-456 at nku.This application mirrors thiswebsite:http://nku.benjamingbaxter.com/csc456/2015fall/index.htmlThis is open sourced! Fork, star and check out the codehere:https://github.com/AKiniyalocts/CSC-456
QuickCalc 1.0.01
A quick settings tile to launch the default calculator on yourdevice!